1) I have a baby boy, and his name is Freddie Ray Little.
2) I also have a friend who is a boy, (and technically a fiancé) his name is Austin and we have been rolling our eyes at each other since 2009. (Is that two facts?)
3) I have a degree in English Literature.
4) I spent my life up until about a year ago, desperate and determined to be a journalist. This dream faded fast with an internship at a newspaper which was the most boring two months of my life. I do however have quite a few little articles published here and there, and I will continue to write for pleasure.
5) This also means I am still deciding what I want to do with myself. I toy with the idea of teaching, but then I also like the idea of copy writing, or working 'in advertising' in some fashion.
6) I wrote my dissertation on the representation of the working classes in post war fiction.
7) I LOVE things. I have no other way of putting it. Maybe I should say I love SHOPPING. I even love going to Tesco. There is something so satisfying about tapping in my PIN and walking out with bags of stuff that is now MINE.
8) I don't have any fears, or phobia's. I didn't like needles, but pregnancy soon cured me of that. I don't particularly like flying but I wouldn't say it fills me with dread.
9) I love to travel. I know everybody says that. I haven't 'properly' travelled, gap yah style (although I did have a gap year - I just used it to work and get drunk) but I have been to New York, Paris, Barcelona, Rome and Prague. You could say i'm more of a city person.
10) I LOVE baking. I love it. Sometimes I dedicate whole days to it and will end up with lots of baked goods and not enough tupperware to store it. I also rarely eat what I bake, I love baking for others, and just for the satisfaction of the finished product.
There. Nothing like a good spot of self indulgence of a Thursday evening.
It's funny how when you try something it sometimes isn't how you imagined it at all. Like you with the journalism. I would like to get a degree in English Literature though. How was it? Baking and travelling are also awesome <3