
Friday, 21 March 2014

Have you seen the latest Facebook craze, the bare faced selfie to raise cancer awareness? When the first few pictures popped up on my news feed, I rolled my eyes. How is taking a picture of yourself, with secret concealer on and excellent lighting, going to help cure cancer? It looked to me like exploiting a terrible, terrible illness for vanity. I prayed I didn't get nominated to join in, because I didn't want to draw attention to the fact I felt this way.

But, as more people joined in, and more people were pairing their picture with a donation to Cancer Research UK, I began to change my mind. The last I read, the movement has raised an amazing £2 million for the charity over 48 hours. I began to want to get nominated! I wanted to be a part of this. Could I nominate myself?


(okay, I found some good lighting.)

My family has been touched by cancer, as have so many others. In July I will be doing the Race for Life too - inspired by this craze. For all its criticisms, if there is one thing #nomakeupselfie has done, is to give everybody a good kick up the arse. Cancer could affect any of us, or people close to our hearts at any time, and raising awareness and funds is all us mere mortals can do.

So get snapping everybody, and text BEAT to 70099!

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